Considerações sobre a terceira revolução industrial e a força de trabalho em saúde em Natal

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Soraya Maria de Medeiros et al., « Considerações sobre a terceira revolução industrial e a força de trabalho em saúde em Natal », Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, ID : 10670/1.qwfd3s


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"The articulation among production mode, social politics and health practices is estab- lished as conducting wire of our inquiry press cut- ting: the work and the workers in health. The Third Industrial Revolution unchained new ar- ticulations with the economical, political and so- cial processes in world-wide ratios, the society projects, forms of organization, power and the so- cial actors. This conformation defined by the new world-wide work division keeps a relation of un- equal force between developed countries group and developing countries. Brazil lives this trans- formation process and has been implanting social politics with the neoliberal model characteristics. Such politcs have been motivating difficulties, in- justices and social instability, constituting chal- lenges to the question of the social rights and un- chaining processes that involve the public and the private of the Brazilian citizens, in their objective- ness and subjectiveness, studied here, a press cut- ting of periphery of the delayed capitalism, which has Brazil as example, and more specifically the Northeast region, that is also underdeveloped in the modern world productive forces viewpoint."

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