Sexuality in subjects with intellectual disability: an educational intervention proposal for parents and counselors in developing countries

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Salud Pública de México

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Gregorio Katz et al., « Sexuality in subjects with intellectual disability: an educational intervention proposal for parents and counselors in developing countries », Salud Pública de México, ID : 10670/1.r4a2us


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"In developing countries, the study of intellectual disability hasenormous knowledge gaps, especially in the areas of intervention,utilization of services and legislation. This article providesinformation not only for aiding in the potential developmentof sexuality in individuals with intellectual disability, but alsofor fostering their social integration. In Mexico and the region,in order to develop educational interventions for promotingsexual health, it is necessary to consider the following priorities:a) mental health professionals should have the knowledgeor receive training for carrying out a sexual education andcounseling program; b) educational interventions for subjectswith intellectual disability should be adapted for the differentstages of life (childhood, adolescence and adulthood); c)during childhood, educational intervention should emphasizethe concept of public and private conducts; d) in adolescence,intervention should consider the actual mental age and notthe chronological age of the subjects receiving intervention;e) the expression of sexuality in the adult with intellectualdisability depends on the early incorporation of factors forpromoting social inclusion; f) for educational interventionsto be successful, it is fundamental that sexual educatorsand counselors, in addition to working with the clients, alsowork with their parents and other close family members; g)intervention programs should establish development objectivesfor developing in persons with intellectual disability apositive attitude towards sexuality and the improvement inself-esteem; h) in subjects with intellectual disability, theirlinguistic comprehension level should be taken into considerationand techniques for open discussion and non-inductive education should be used; i) social integration programsshould address the needs of developing countries and theirindividuals, since it is not feasible to import external programsdue to differences in infrastructure and the absence of publicpolicies for promoting development; j) full sexuality in subjectswith intellectual disability should be fostered in a comprehensivemanner within an independent living program; k) inMexico and the region, public policies should be institutedfor administering independent living programs for peoplewith intellectual disability and should lead to social, familialand economic power for the purpose of being productive.Thus, people with mental deficiency in developing countriescan aspire to being integrated into social and work life andto appropriately expressing their sexuality."

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