Opportunities and risks in times of globalisation - how gender affects working patterns in different occupations

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1 janvier 2008

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Linda Nierling et al., « Opportunities and risks in times of globalisation - how gender affects working patterns in different occupations », Ex aequo - Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Estudos sobre as Mulheres, ID : 10670/1.r4fnhe


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Globalisation processes deeply affect living and working realities of men and women in industrialised societies. Whereas the public and academic discourse of global restructuring is widely gender neutral, the introduction of the gender dimension plays a central role in order to understand the manifold effects of globalisation on a local level. On the basis of a huge qualitative study on global change processes and their impact on occupations in different sectors this article argues that male and female realities in globalised working processes have changed distinctively. With regard to the gendered division of labour in the frame of globalisation, empirical findings will be presented which aim to provide an insight in changing working and living conditions of women and men on the local level facing global developments. In which way these processes enable or disable women’s access to societal resources will be discussed with regard to changing or maintaining gender regimes in these occupations.

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