Feasibility of the “Hatun Ñan Ccocha Kunaman” Ecotourism micro corridor, Apurímac region, Peru

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1 décembre 2022

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: The general objective was: to demonstrate and illustrate the viability of the ecotourism micro-corridor “Hatun ñan ccocha kunaman”, Apurimac región, Peru. The área includes four hydrographic micro-basins, on average they are 60,000 hectares. The population and sample is directed, it is a geomorphological system: the formation of the terrestrial relief by the action of rain, wind and tectonic forcé, as well as wáter surfaces, which can be exploited and used by human intervention for its landscape and species of flor and fauna, located between 3,900 to 4,600 masl. Desing and level descriptive. There is feasibility the sections present an intensity of average fatigue of walking, which is pronounced when it eceeds from 5 kilograms above the average height; in addition, complementary services such as muleteering, food, staging of rituals and dances can be offered. The construction of infrastructure, with materials from the área, is for leisure or rest, higiene services in the sections, whose construction does not alter the landscape. The activities that can be developed are: hikking, trekking, camping, mountaineering, fishing in a fish farm. The Price of 84 pen (soles) Will allow to offer service of mínimum services. The Project is profitable, at an opportunity cos trate of 20%, over ten years, it yields a positive result of s/. 72,351.00 pence (soles).

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