A Mobile Application to Visualize Historic Land Use along Hiking Trails in Southern Germany. GI_Forum|GI_Forum 2020, Volume 2|

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15 décembre 2020

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« A Mobile Application to Visualize Historic Land Use along Hiking Trails in Southern Germany. GI_Forum|GI_Forum 2020, Volume 2| », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10.1553/giscience2020_02_s45


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Land-use and land-cover change is a global phenomenon that poses great challenges to people, who often oppose changes in the familiar landscape (Foley et al., 2005). However, it needs to be recognized that humans have continuously shaped and intensively intervened in the landscape throughout history, creating the ‘Kulturlandschaft’ (cultural landscape) we see today, and leading to the scientific preoccupation with the ‘Anthropocene’ (Ellis, 2011). By enriching locations with digital content, this knowledge can be better conveyed, since so-called ‘augmented places’ not only convey information, but also allow the embodiment of what has been learned through increased immersion (Chang, Hou, Pan, Sung & Chang, 2015). We present an application that combines historical landscape change and the legacies of early mechanization through a mobile WebGIS designed with tourists in mind to convey information about historical land use in a playful way (http://gdi.geographie.uni-tuebingen.de/echaz/map.html). Historical map material for the region of the river Echaz in southwest Germany was digitized and georeferenced, organized in a framework of geoservices, and finally made available together with further content in a web app. Ultimately, the aims are to show alternatives to current land use and to address the variability of the landscape, and thus to achieve participation in and acceptance of landscape planning.

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