Building a Smarter City with a “Mobility Oriented Management”: The Toulouse COMMUTE Project

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28 janvier 2021


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Philippe Dugot et al., « Building a Smarter City with a “Mobility Oriented Management”: The Toulouse COMMUTE Project », HAL-SHS : architecture, ID : 10.1007/978-3-030-59302-5_5


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The Toulouse airport area hosts very large industrial companies such as Airbus or Safran. This makes it the main job area in the city. However, this urban section faces major accessibility problems caused by daily traffic congestion. The public authority in charge of mobility and companies in the area have decided to react. One of the frameworks of this mobilization is, from 2017, the European program COMMUTE (Collaborative Mobility Management for Urban Traffic and Emissions Reduction). Diagnosis of mobility and identification of alternatives to dominant “driving solo” were carried out. Does this mobilization produce collective intelligence? There are many institutional, organizational and financial obstacles. There is an atavism in the postures, behaviors and objectives of the different actors. These disparities, even contradictions, between the actors illustrate the complexity of the action to come. However, the awareness is there. The establishment of a permanent framework for regular meetings is a first illustration of this. The development of this type of collaboration gives the opportunity to think of a renewed governance called “MOM” (Mobility Oriented Management).

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