Relationship between precarious work and racism for migrants in Brazil

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Cadernos EBAPE.BR

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JANDIR PAULI et al., « Relationship between precarious work and racism for migrants in Brazil », Cadernos EBAPE.BR, ID : 10670/1.s4w0h7


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"Amid the growing global flow of goods, workers migrating in search of work face a major challenge of integration in destination countries. Issues of racism and discrimination emerge in the workplace, causing inequality of opportunity. This research aims to describe the relationship between precarious work, discrimination at work, and perception of racism by migrant workers. The preliminary analysis of scientific production on the subject in Brazil suggests that the racist social structure is a condition for the insertion of migrant workers in precarious working conditions, compromising their social insertion. A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted through a survey of four ethnic groups from different Brazilian regions. The results confirm the influence of precarious work on the perception of racism, with discrimination at work being a moderating variable in this relationship."

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