Τα τουρκικά σχολεία των Καϊλαρίων (Πτολεμαΐδας) και της περιφέρειας τους κατά το σχολικό έτος 1913-1914 The Turkish schools in Kailaria (Ptolemaïda) and the surrounding area in the school year 1913-1914 El En

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1 janvier 2002

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Πασχάλης Βαλσαμίδης, « Τα τουρκικά σχολεία των Καϊλαρίων (Πτολεμαΐδας) και της περιφέρειας τους κατά το σχολικό έτος 1913-1914 », eJournals, ID : 10670/1.sfjyj8


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Résumé El En

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This paper deals with the Turkish schools that were operating in Kailaria, as Ptolemaida was then called, and neighbouring villages in Western Macedonia in the 1913-14 school year. The research was based on archival material from the Historical Archives of Macedonia. On the basis of the unpublished documents that we have at our disposal, in the 32 communes registered at this time there were a total of 48 schools - 47 Turkish and 1 Romanian. We present these communes with the names by which they were known then and now, the type of school (e.g. koino, where the rudiments of reading and writing were taught, astiko, a five- or six-class primary school, etc.) and schoolhouse (communal, private, state), the names of the teachers, their birthplace, age, education, marital status, years of service, salary in the commune, and the associated school costs that were borne by the communes. The Turkish schools in Kailaria and the surrounding district operated normally until the exchange of populations (1923), when the Turks were forced to leave the area and resettle in Turkey. 

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