M4D: how the mobile phone becomes a tool for development Focus on the Republic of Kenya

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1 octobre 2012

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Hélène Smertnik, « M4D: how the mobile phone becomes a tool for development Focus on the Republic of Kenya », DUMAS - Dépôt Universitaire de Mémoires Après Soutenance, ID : 10670/1.skcwho


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This paper gives a glance into Africa's mobile revolution and what it represents, for not only is the mobile phone leading to a transformation of the technological landscape but also of African society as a whole, as well as its economy. The paper tells the story of how the mobile phone empowers Africans to tackle their development challenges, acting as an enabler to find innovative and locally relevant solutions to long-standing issues. It highlights the mobile phone's impact on Africa's important economic sectors of health, education and agriculture, as well as finance -through mobile money. Focusing on Kenya, one of Africa's most advanced countries in terms of information and communication technologies, illustrates the mobile revolution's full extent, with its opportunities and its challenges.

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