« El fondo Balbueno de la Universidad de Lausana »

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Mónica Castillo Lluch et al., « « El fondo Balbueno de la Universidad de Lausana » », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10670/1.snlmfb


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The aim of this paper is to present a collection of documents from the Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire de Lausanne that has remained intact until now. This collection of Spanish texts was left as a legacy in 1997 by Carlos of Goyeneche and Silvela, Marquis of Balbueno. It is composed of a series of manuscripts that date from between the XVth and XXth centuries. Firstly, we will present a first cataloging of every document that the collection is composed of, highlighting some of the more significant pieces that have been found up until now. Secondly, we will present our research project, explaining briefly the criteria that we will follow in the transcription of the documents. At the end we will include a section exploring the possibilities that these documents may contain for research in historical linguistics.

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