Professionalization, risk transfer, and effect on gender gap in project management

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  • handle:  10670/1.ssaye7
  • Legault, Marie-Josée et Chasserio, Stéphanie (2012). « Professionalization, risk transfer, and effect on gender gap in project management ». International Journal of Project Management, 30(6).

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Marie-Josée Legault et al., « Professionalization, risk transfer, and effect on gender gap in project management », UQAM Archipel : articles scientifiques, ID : 10670/1.ssaye7


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In this paper, we demonstrate that Project Management (PM) in Information Technologies (IT) sector, despite the claims of autonomy and self-determination at work of creative experts, sets up fairly tight controls through management and the rhetoric of professionalism. The client’s position of strength overrides the employer’s direct control, transferring a major share of the risk inherent in PM to the IT experts themselves. Ensuing long hours of unplanned and unpaid overtime are the most important obstacle facing women in IT’s workforce. This paper is based on a qualitative research conducted on 7 Canadian companies acting in multimedia, information technology (IT) business services and optics-photonics. We have interviewed 88 IT experts, women and men, who talk about their working conditions.

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