Rapport II.15 Experimental investigation of SAA effect on energetic erosion and acoustic characteristics of power equipment

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Geologic erosion

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I.-A. Shalobasov et al., « Rapport II.15 Experimental investigation of SAA effect on energetic erosion and acoustic characteristics of power equipment », Journées de l'hydraulique, ID : 10670/1.strljh


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At present the investigators show large interest in respect to the use of small additions of high-molecular polymers and other surface active agents (SAA) for improvement of some characteristics of hydraulic installations including the separate types of power equipment. In most cases the investigations have been conducted basically with the use of high-molecular polymers (Separan, Polyox and others). At the same time an investigation complex which has been conducted in the USSR and the DDR conformably to the power engineering problems came to light a positive effect of small additions of SAA - octadecylamine (ODA) on a number of processes of vapor-and-water cycle of thermal stations : hydrodynamics of steam-liquid flow, generation and condensation of vapor, corrosion and erosion of equipment material, etc.

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