Theology and development: Taking personal responsibility for community development

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1 janvier 2019

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John S. Klaasen, « Theology and development: Taking personal responsibility for community development », HTS Theological Studies, ID : 10670/1.svb1hy


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This article is part of an international research group, CODE, to address the inadequacies of the dominant community development theories and models. This is an attempt to deal with personal responsibility for development from a theological perspective. The limitations of the modernisation theory and secular theories such as Sen's expansion of choices are pointed out as hegemonic or amorphous. Personhood as the root of personal responsibility forms the point of convergence for perceived opposites such as being and doing, individual and community, and receiver and giver. Important themes such as reciprocity, perichoresis, creation and vocation as found in relational theology form the basis of a contribution by theology to community development.

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