Disclosing parametric functions in the transition from pen-and-paper to GeoGebra

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10 juillet 2023

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Analysis (Mathematics)

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Sara Bagossi et al., « Disclosing parametric functions in the transition from pen-and-paper to GeoGebra », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.svzpbb


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Students and teachers struggle with calculus topics. In recent decades, various technologies have been developed for learning and teaching calculus. In this paper, we report an empirical study on the exploration of parametric functions by 11th-grade students, in the transition from pen-and-paper to GeoGebra. In particular, we use the phenomenological perspective outlined by Rota to study the meaning-making processes of students engaged in the study of functions, paying attention to the role of GeoGebra in their disclosure processes. The analysis of two case studies revealed that students disclosed four layers of meaning-making. These layers testify an increased mastery of the topic of parametric functions.

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