Experimental Evidence from a Conditional Cash Transfer Program: Schooling, learning, fertility and labor market outcomes after 10 years

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Tania Barham et al., « Experimental Evidence from a Conditional Cash Transfer Program: Schooling, learning, fertility and labor market outcomes after 10 years », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10.1093/jeea/jvae005


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Conditional cash transfer programs are the anti-poverty program of choice in manydeveloping countries, aiming to improve human capital and break the intergenerational transmission of poverty. A decade after a randomized 3-year CCT program began, earlier exposure during primary school ages when children were at risk of dropout led to higher labor market participation for young men and women and higher earnings for men. Results highlight the roles of the different program components with variation in timing of access to nutrition, health and education investments translating into substantial differential effects on learning for men and reproductive health outcomes for women.

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