Media, Power and the Origins of the Propaganda Model: An Interview with Edward S. Herman

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17 décembre 2018

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propagande politique

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Jeffery Klaehn, « Media, Power and the Origins of the Propaganda Model: An Interview with Edward S. Herman », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10670/1.tbm4ki


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To commemorate the 30 th anniversary of the Herman-Chomsky Propaganda Model (PM) and the publication of the collected volume, The Propaganda Model Today, this article represents an interview with Edward S. Herman that was originally published with Fifth Estate Online in 2008. The interview explored the origins of the PM, common criticisms of the PM, ways in which the PM was updated during the first two decades after it was initially introduced, and whether the PM can and should be applied to other media (such as television news, talk radio, the internet, popular films, pop music and music videos, and comic books). The interview questions have been edited and abbreviated from the original, and a bibliography has been added which directs readers to works which have explored (and will explore) topics and issues discussed within the interview.

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