Covid 19: is there a disproportionate burden on working classes in France?

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5 mai 2020

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Emilie Counil et al., « Covid 19: is there a disproportionate burden on working classes in France? », Archined : l'archive ouverte de l'INED, ID : 10670/1.te4du5


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While a majority of Covid-19 victims are elderly, middle-aged workers have also been affected, in particular health professionals and those holding high-contact jobs such as cashiers where the risk of exposure is high. Such front-line workers have made headlines, with demands ranging from adequate health protection measures to the cessation of non-essential activities. Those holding low-paying jobs in the essential service sectors are more likely to expose their health for economic reasons and could be suffering a disproportionate impact of the epidemic. Recent data on Covid-19 hospitalisations indicate that the situation in France is no exception. Among those of working age, well-established patterns of workplace exposures, housing conditions and co-morbidities are likely to compound social inequalities in health in time of crisis, further to income loss and layoffs.

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