Calidad bacteriológica del agua para consumo humano en zonas de alta marginación de Chiapas

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Salud Pública de México

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María Guadalupe Vargas et al., « Calidad bacteriológica del agua para consumo humano en zonas de alta marginación de Chiapas », Salud Pública de México, ID : 10670/1.tkk8oe


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"Objective. To analyze the bacteriological quality of drinkingwater (BQDW) and its association with diarrhoea andintestinal parasites in children 1 to 14 years old, in areas ofhigh levels of poverty in Chiapas, Mexico. Material andmethods. From March to September 1998, drinking waterwas collected from a random sample of 99 households inthe Border Region of Chiapas, Mexico; data on diarrhoealdisease (in the past 15 days) were collected and stool testingfor intestinal parasites was performed in children 1 to 14years old (n= 322). The BQDW was determined by thefiltration membrane technique. Intestinal parasitic infectionswere determined by the Faust Method. The c2 statisticwas used to analyse factors associated with BQDW. Results.Only 31% of the water samples were adequate for humanconsumption. The BQDW and the presence of diarrhoea(informed by the mothers of the children) showed noassociation. Children living in households with inadequateBQDW had a higher prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica anda greater tendency to have intestinal parasites. Conclusions.It is necessary to develop programs that improve BQDWand to develop education efforts aimed at increasing theuse of boiled water and the adequate management and careof community water storage sites."

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