US Media Power and the Empire of Liberty

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17 décembre 2018

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Paula Chakravartty, « US Media Power and the Empire of Liberty », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10670/1.tn8xh6


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This brief essay reflects on the legacy of the work of Edward S. Herman in shaping critical theories of US media and empire through the long 20 th century and into the current era of the forever War. I argue that the work of Herman (and Chomsky) poses a lasting challenge to celebratory liberal theories of media freedom, and instead documents the constitutive role of the commercial US media institutions and technologies in fortifying illiberal forces with implications both "at home" and abroad. In closing, I briefly consider the decolonial significance of Edward Herman"s persistent critique of US media power.

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