Doctor Constantino’s Doctrina Cristiana: Divine Compassion and True Faith in the Work of a Sixteenth Century Converso Author

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12 janvier 2021


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Michel Boeglin, « Doctor Constantino’s Doctrina Cristiana: Divine Compassion and True Faith in the Work of a Sixteenth Century Converso Author », HAL-SHS : histoire, ID : 10.1163/9789004447349_006


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Celebrated preacher, chaplain to Prince Philip on his journey to the Spanish Empire’s northern possessions and, towards the end of his life, magisterial canon of the Seville Cathedral, Doctor Constantino de la Fuente was one of the Converso authors who did most to renew the catechesis in Spain, in the first half of the sixteenth century. Around 1543, he published Suma de doctrina cristiana, a dialogical catechism, synthesized later in his Catecismo Cristiano; he also wrote Confesión de un pecador and Exposición del primer psalmo de David , followed by his impressive Doctrina Cristiana, in 1548. Together, Doctrina Cristiana, Catecismo Cristiano and Suma de doctrina Cristiana form a landmark in the writing of the catechism in Castilian. These works, which Doctor Constantino wrote in barely five years, were well received, as their numerous re-editions in Castile, Portugal and Flanders attest. Nevertheless, two years after his disputed election as canon in the Seville Cathedral chapter, in 1556, Doctor Constantino was imprisoned by the Inquisition and tried as a Protestant heretic.

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