Development of a reflective learning method to support health and safety of adolescents with learning difficulties enrolled in a pre-work practicum

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12 juillet 2022

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Marie Laberge et al., « Development of a reflective learning method to support health and safety of adolescents with learning difficulties enrolled in a pre-work practicum », Papyrus : le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université de Montréal, ID : 10.1080/00140139.2022.2099017


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The challenges of youth employment include providing appropriate job training and safe working conditions for women and men. Adolescents enrolled in the Work-oriented Training Path (WOTP) complete a practicum as part of their vocational preparation, notwithstanding learning difficulties or disabilities. This research-action study among this subpopulation used a method called the self-reflection interview (SRI). Developed in the field of ergonomics, it combines interviews and worksite observations to establish discussion prompts. This method is based on the principles of situated learning. The objective is to analyze the process of conducting SRIs with WOTP’s students in order to suggest adaptations for this specific population considering their challenges. SRIs were used to address gender stereotypes and occupational health and safety (OHS) risks, two learning targets. The study found that these dimensions are accurately addressed with this method. The findings confirm that the prompts and the method must be adapted to the population. Practitioner Summary The challenges of youth employment require appropriate job training and safe working conditions for women and men. The study used a reflective method called the selfreflection interview as a learning resource, based on situated learning. The study found that OHS and gender differentiation are accurately addressed with this method.

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