Did Peter Speak Hebrew to the Servant? A Linguistic Examination of the Expression “I Do Not Know What You Are Saying” (Matt 26:70; Mark 14:68; Luke 22:60)

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1 avril 2017

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Eran Shuali, « Did Peter Speak Hebrew to the Servant? A Linguistic Examination of the Expression “I Do Not Know What You Are Saying” (Matt 26:70; Mark 14:68; Luke 22:60) », HAL-SHS : histoire des religions, ID : 10670/1.u7q8sh


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In this article I examine the statement “I do not know what you are saying,” uttered by Peter according to the Synoptic Gospels as a response to the accusation that he was one of Jesus’s men. I examine the Hebrew parallels to this phrase in Tannaitic literature, with special attention to their wording and pragmatic func­tion. Although Tannaitic literature postdates the New Testament, its use of this phrase may shed light on the Synoptic passage. I conclude that Peter’s phrase is not likely to have been formulated originally in Greek or Aramaic; it should be understood as reflecting an idiomatic expression in Hebrew.

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