Making and re-making the theory of constitutional democracy: further observations

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19 septembre 2024

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Paolo Sandro, « Making and re-making the theory of constitutional democracy: further observations », Revus, ID : 10670/1.ug9j1z


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In this reply, I address many of the observations and criticisms raised by Donald Bello Hutt, Mathieu Carpentier, Maris Köpcke, and Graziella Romeo vis-à-vis in my book The Making of Constitutional Democracy: From Creation to Application of Law (Hart Publishing 2022). The discussion touches upon a host of different but interconnected issues: from the necessary connection (or lack thereof) between the state and the rule of law; to the feasibility and relevance of the distinction between law as lex and law as ius for modern constitutionalism; to the role and scope of a theory of normative powers for the concept of law-application; to the centrality of the idea of contingency in constitutional theory and its consequences for constitutional design. As a result, I clarify and further develop several aspects of the theory (and meta-theory) of constitutional democracy I originally presented in the book.

V tem odgovoru obravnavam številne pripombe in kritike, ki so jih Donald Bello Hutt, Mathieu Carpentier, Maris Köpcke in Graziella Romeo izrazili o moji knjigi The Making of Constitutional Democracy: (Hart Publishing 2022). Razprava se dotika številnih različnih, a medsebojno povezanih vprašanj: o nujni povezavi med državo in vladavino prava (ali neobstoju takšne povezave); o izvedljivosti razlikovanja med pravom kot lex in pravom kot ius ter pomena, ki ga ima to razlikovanje za sodobno ustavništvo; o vlogi in obsegu teorije normativnih pristojnosti za koncept uporabe prava; o pomenu ideje kontingence v ustavni teoriji in njenih posledicah za ustavni ustroj. Na koncu pojasnjujem in dodatno razvijam več vidikov teorije (in meta-teorije) ustavne demokracije, ki sem jo prvotno predstavil v knjigi.

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