The quest for ongoing support by parents of learners with intellectual disabilities

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1 janvier 2021

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Maximus Monaheng Sefotho et al., « The quest for ongoing support by parents of learners with intellectual disabilities », Journal of Education (University of KwaZulu-Natal), ID : 10670/1.uhe6la


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In this article we explore the need for ongoing support for those parents/guardians raising children with intellectual disabilities. The aims of the study on which this article builds were: (i) to explore the experiences of support offered to parents of learners with intellectual disabilities in Soweto; and (ii) to evaluate how support services affect parents' perceptions and expectations of their children's future. Thirty-five parents of learners from four schools diagnosed with an intellectual disability were purposefully selected to participate in this qualitative research, with one focus group discussion conducted at each school. Findings highlight parents' concern about their children's future when exiting the school system. Furthermore, our findings emphasise the need for ongoing support in many aspects throughout the various developmental stages of the child's life. We propose a framework for coordinated support that may serve to guide parents to support their disabled children.

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