Exploring Supply Chain Risks Management Influence on Firms Performance Under the Mediation of Customer Service and the Moderation of Information System: The Case of Cameroon Agro Industrial Sector

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Célestin Elock Son, « Exploring Supply Chain Risks Management Influence on Firms Performance Under the Mediation of Customer Service and the Moderation of Information System: The Case of Cameroon Agro Industrial Sector », Marché et organisations, ID : 10670/1.ujdbaq


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La présente recherche a pour objectif de définir l'influence que peut avoir le management des risques de la supply chain aval sur la performance des entreprises agro-industrielles sous la médiation du service client au Cameroun. L’étude combine l’analyse du contenu et les hypothèses sont testées à l’aide des équations structurelles via la méthode des moindres carrées partiels (Partial Last Square, PLS). Il ressort que le management des risques stratégiques influence positivement et significativement la performance des entreprises agro-industrielles. Ce lien est à la fois direct et indirect via la relation client. Par contre, le management des risques opérationnels entretient une relation négative mais non significative avec la performance. Cette relation est modérée par les systèmes d'information efficaces. Les promotions de vente n'influencent pas le lien relation client – performance. La principale limite est liée à la taille de l’échantillon qui n’est pas très représentatif de l’ensemble des agro-industries.

This research aims to define the influence of supply chain risks management on the performance of agro-industrial firms under the mediation of customer service in Cameroon. The study combines content analysis and hypotheses are tested using structural equations by the method of partial least squares (Partial Last Square, PLS). It appears from the analysis, in one hand, that the management of strategic risks positively and significantly influences the performance of agro-industrial companies. This link is both direct and indirect via the customer relationship. On the other hand, operational risks management maintains a negative but insignificant relationship with performance. This relationship is moderated by the implementation of effective information systems. Sales promotions do not influence the customer relationship – performance link, but constitute an antecedent of the company's customer relationship. The main limitation of this research leads to the size of the sample, which is not very representative of all agro-industries. JEL Codes: L25, L66, L81

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