Du commerce international aux échanges intra-groupes et entre membres d'associations de coopération. : L'entreprise poly-locale et les réseaux

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Maria Manuel Leitao Marques, « Du commerce international aux échanges intra-groupes et entre membres d'associations de coopération. : L'entreprise poly-locale et les réseaux », Revue internationale de droit économique, ID : 10670/1.upbge0


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SUMMARY FROM INTERNATIONAL TRADE TO INTRA-GROUP TRADE AND EXCHANGES BETWEEN MEMBERS OF COOPERATION ASSOCIATIONS . THE POLY-LOCAL FIRM AND THE NETWORKS Between market and hierarchy, we assist the development of the concept of network of firms, which, as any hybrid concept, begins by combining the characteristics of the paradigms that preceded it. It is this model of network organization and growth, a new way of competing in a more and more global market, that is analyzed here. In the first part, we illustrate this analysis with examples of international networks of firms. The architecture of the network allows enterprises a new strategy of internationalization. The objective of coordination and association of resources, partners and technologies in very different markets is intended to achieve permanent innovation rather than only the sharing of risks. Taking into consideration the examples, we then discuss, on the basis of the concept of network of firms, the main characteristics of this model as compared to both the hierarchic model of organization and the market model. We also describe network types. In the second part, again using examples, we show how networks can be regulated. To this effect, we examine their legal implications, the difficulties of penetration and efficacy of an external regulation, the alternative of self-regulation (through ethical codes) and the way by which the various regulators and different forms of regulation melt so as to create true legal networks corresponding to the economic networks.

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