Boricua in the Barrio: Political Trust among Puerto Ricans in Chicago and Nationwide

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Centro Journal

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Trust (Psychology)

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Melissa R. Michelson, « Boricua in the Barrio: Political Trust among Puerto Ricans in Chicago and Nationwide », Centro Journal, ID : 10670/1.upvt0w


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"Existing research establishes that political trust is not onlyan important determinant of individual political behavior andgovernment effectiveness, but may also measure the health of civicsociety. Declining trust among Americans is well documented,and is generally attributed to the series of political tragedies andscandals that have plagued the nation since the 1960s. This paperlooks specifically at trust among Puerto Ricans, demonstratingthat acculturation is corrosive of political trust. Less acculturated,island-born Puerto Ricans retain some amount of trust in government,while more acculturated, mainland-born Puerto Ricans are muchmore cynical. Data come from a series of surveys of Latinos in Chicagoand the Latino National Political Survey (LNPS). The two sets of dataencompass a decade of public opinion research and a widegeographic area."

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