"This Class Will Change Your Writing Life" Hollywood's Screenwriting Gurus in Paris and Their Public

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13 septembre 2018

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The starting premise of this paper is that 'learning how to write' is still perceived in a very different way in France and in the United States. In this perspective, we want to interrogate the current state of the TV/movie industry in France. In fact, we assume that French TV/movie professionals tend to take part to the screenwriting masterclasses of some of the most famous American script-doctors (aka the "Screenwriting Gurus" as they were called in a LA Review of Books' paper a few years ago) because of a certain professional frustration, to which they feel that the masterclass could be a solution. The purpose of our enquiry was therefore to explore what causes this frustration and why/how “Hollywood” (i.e. the teaching offered by the masterclass) could solve it.

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