Homework Influence on academic performance. A study of Iberoamerican students of Primary Education

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Revista de Psicodidáctica

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F. Javier Murillo et al., « Homework Influence on academic performance. A study of Iberoamerican students of Primary Education », Revista de Psicodidáctica, ID : 10670/1.uu3z88


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"This article analyzes the impact of homework on language and mathematics performance of students in third year of primary education in Iberoamerica and identifies the most powerful features of homework. This is a three levels Multilevel study with a value added approach. The samples of this study are 5.603 students from 248 classrooms in third grade from 98 schools in 9 countries in Iberoamerica. This analysis uses data coming from standardized performance tests and questionnaires for teachers, students, and families. The results show that school performance improves if: (a) teachers handle homework, (b) these are reviewed and corrected in the classroom, and (c) students with lower performance have homework adapted to their needs. The study highlights that the time dedicated to finish the homework, it's frequency, and the types of homework task hae a low impact on the achievement of students."

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