Mastery motivational climate intervention: Motor and social benefits for children with and without disabilities

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1 décembre 2022

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Rosiane Karine Pick et al., « Mastery motivational climate intervention: Motor and social benefits for children with and without disabilities », Sinéctica, Revista Electrónica de Educación, ID : 10670/1.uwlmmg


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This mixed-design study examined the effects of a mastery motivational climate intervention on the motor and social skills of underserved children with and without disabilities. A mastery climate was implemented for the intervention group consistent with the TARGET structure. Children, 24 children with disabilities (12 boys, 12 girls) and 52 without disabilities (31 boys, 21 girls), were assessed with the Test of Gross Motor Development -second edition pre-and post-intervention. Along with the intervention, social skills were assessed using a qualitative approach; a checklist with five levels of personal e social responsibility behavior was used. Results showed that mastery motivational climate intervention was effective in promoting positive changes in locomotor and object control scores; the intervention group also showed higher performance in the post-intervention than the control group. Along with the intervention, the children in the mastery motivational climate group also adopted higher personal and social responsibility levels during the lessons. Positive correlations were observed between children’s motor development and their levels of responsibility. The mastery motivational climate intervention promotes positive motor and social skills changes for children living in vulnerability.

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