Multiparameter optimization of nonuniform passive diffusion properties for creating coarse-grained equivalent models of cardiac propagation

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3 avril 2024

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Éric Irakoze et al., « Multiparameter optimization of nonuniform passive diffusion properties for creating coarse-grained equivalent models of cardiac propagation », Papyrus : le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université de Montréal, ID : 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.104863


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The arrhythmogenic role of discrete cardiac propagation may be assessed by comparing discrete (fine-grained) and equivalent continuous (coarse-grained) models. We aim to develop an optimization algorithm for estimating the smooth conductivity field that best reproduces the diffusion properties of a given discrete model. Our algorithm iteratively adjusts local conductivity of the coarse-grained continuous model by simulating passive diffusion from white noise initial conditions during 3 to 10 ms and computing the root mean square error with respect to the discrete model. The coarse-grained conductivity field was interpolated from up to 300 evenly spaced control points. We derived an approximate formula for the gradient of the cost function that required (in two dimensions) only two additional simulations per iteration regardless of the number of estimated parameters. Conjugate gradient solver facilitated simultaneous optimization of multiple conductivity parameters. The method was tested in rectangular anisotropic tissues with uniform and nonuniform conductivity (slow regions with sinusoidal profile) and random diffuse fibrosis, as well as in a monolayer interconnected cable model of the left atrium with spatially-varying fibrosis density. Comparison of activation maps served as validation. The results showed that after convergence the errors in activation time were 100 ms) at each iteration while reproducing activation maps, with possible applications to investigating the impact of microstructure on arrhythmias.

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