Public school teachers' satisfaction with retention factors in relation to work engagement

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1 janvier 2020

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Ronny Shibiti, « Public school teachers' satisfaction with retention factors in relation to work engagement », SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, ID : 10670/1.v6nzma


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ORIENTATION: The quality of education is influenced by the engagement, well-being, retention and performance of teachers. Literature shows that teachers are exiting the teaching profession at an alarming rate, and there are various and intertwined reasons compelling teachers to leave their jobs. RESEARCH PURPOSES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of retention factors on work engagement. MOTIVATION FOR THE STUDY: Turnover among teachers is high, and many teachers are leaving the profession during their early years of teaching. An empirical investigation of the relationship between retention factors and work engagement and the results of utilising retention factors and work engagement to facilitate employee retention is needed. RESEARCH APPROACH/DESIGN AND METHOD: A quantitative design was used, and 278 questionnaires were collected from a convenience sample of teachers from public schools in the Tshwane Municipality. MAIN FINDINGS: Correlational analysis revealed significant relationships between retention factors and work engagement. Multiple regression analyses revealed that retention factors significantly predict work engagement. The main practical contribution of this study is the way in which it has demonstrated that retention factors relate to and predict work engagement PRACTICAL/MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS: Organisations should provide their employees with improved compensation, training and development, and career opportunities as this may improve employees' work engagement. Therefore, organisations should determine whether employees are satisfied with these retention factors as provided in the organisation. CONTRIBUTION/VALUE-ADD: This study adds to the psychological attachment theory by suggesting that employees satisfied with retention factors in their organisations are more likely to be engaged.

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