Digital Humanities Clinics - Leading Dutch Librarians into DH

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15 août 2017

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Lotte Wilms et al., « Digital Humanities Clinics - Leading Dutch Librarians into DH », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10670/1.vk6e8r


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Academic libraries in the Netherlands have the ambition to increase the knowledge level of their librarians on digital humanities (DH). Three libraries therefore set up a series of full-day training events aimed specifically at library professionals of academic and research libraries in the Netherlands, named DH Clinics. The aim of these clinics is to provide basic methodological competencies and technical skills in DH, for a diverse group of library employees, consisting of both subject and technical librarians with basic technical skills. The content of these sessions should 1) enable them to provide services to researchers and students, 2) identify remaining gaps in knowledge or skills that they could address by self-directed learning and 3) (possibly) to automate their daily library work. This paper describes final schedule of the DH Clinics, how we organised the design process by involving the user community and the lessons we learned.

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