Assessment of the “Disrupt-O-Meter” model by ordinal multicriteria methods

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RAI - Revista de Administração e Inovação

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Luiz Octávio Gavião et al., « Assessment of the “Disrupt-O-Meter” model by ordinal multicriteria methods », RAI - Revista de Administração e Inovação, ID : 10670/1.vmxayu


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"The objective of this article is to explore a potential diagnostic model, called “Disrupt-O-Meter”, about the Christensen’s disruptive innovationtheory. The diagnostic model was analyzed under multi-criteria decision aid (MCDA) methods. This diagnosis presents a typical data structure ofmulti-criteria ordinal problems. Different alternatives were evaluated under a set of criteria, using a scale of ordinal preferences. The steps of aMCDA problem were followed. The chosen methods were the Borda, the Condorcet and the Probabilistic Composition of Preferences (CPP). Thisarticle used a database from other research, about 3D printing technology startups. The results showed the best discrimination power by the CPPmethod, revealing the business category with the most disruptive potential, among other alternatives."

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