From advanced mathematical thinking to university mathematics education: A story of emancipation and enrichment

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1 février 2017

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Elena Nardi, « From advanced mathematical thinking to university mathematics education: A story of emancipation and enrichment », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.vs9pow


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Between CERME1 and CERME9 there have been approximately two hundred and fifty papers with their focus directly, or a little less so, on the teaching and learning of mathematics at university level, starting from about a dozen in CERME1 and rising to several dozens in CERME9. ERME recognised the increasing significance of this emerging field with the launch of Working Group 14 (Advanced Mathematical Thinking) in CERME4 in 2005 which evolved into Thematic Working Group 14 (University Mathematics Education) in CERME7 in 2011. In this lecture, I draw on my experience as researcher in this field, and as participant in both groups (and inaugural leader of the latter), to identify epistemological – theoretical, substantive and methodological – trends in the transition from the one to the other. I aim that the story I tell is one of gradual emancipation from a relatively limited initial focus on cognitive aspects of the student learning experience in university mathematics to the grander vista of issues – also inclusive of pedagogical, institutional, affective and social issues – that studies presented at CERME nowadays address. I also aim that the story I tell is one of enrichment as the depth and diversity of said vista has been accomplished also through thoughtful appropriation of results from those earlier studies. Keywords: University mathematics education, developmental / cognitive and sociocultural approaches to the teaching and learning of mathematics.

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