Reconstructing the anti-apartheid lived narrative of a black theologian, Allan Aubrey Boesak

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1 janvier 2017

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Gordon Ernest Dames, « Reconstructing the anti-apartheid lived narrative of a black theologian, Allan Aubrey Boesak », Studia Historiae Ecclesiasticae, ID : 10670/1.w2f656


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The aim of this article is to reconstruct the setting of a black theologian's life and the course of our collective human history during our contemporary history, between 1985 and 2015. Hopewell (1987) offers an illuminating hermeneutical lens to reconfigure the lived narrative of one of South Africa's prolific anti-apartheid activists. Narrative discourse is important in the establishment of the setting to reconstruct the conditions within which the events of our struggle against apartheid materialised. We seek to analyse and understand the meaning/s of the struggle for freedom implicit in the 1980s' setting. This article aims to respond to our contemporary social need for a new vision and activism by reconstructing the setting of our struggle against apartheid.

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