Valuation and Enrichment

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29 décembre 2023


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Christian Bessy, « Valuation and Enrichment », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10.1007/978-3-030-52130-1_110-1


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This contribution analyzes the way economics and sociology of conventions (EC/SC) deals with price formation in the light of the question of the plurality of forms of valuation, which lead to different processes of enrichment. In the first part, the way EC/SC has questioned the notion of value is presented, starting with the mimetic model of collective belief formation proposed by André Orléan, which he first applies to the genesis of money and then extends to other liquid and tradable assets on markets, which can lead to the appearance of speculative bubbles. This mimetic model is completed by taking into account all the mediations that allows to understand the diffusion of a form of valuation. The second part of the chapter is devoted to the analysis of the valuation of things, starting with research into the construction of relevant “grasps” (prises in French) in preparation for their valuation. Based on the work of Boltanski and Esquerre, the development presents structured forms of valuing things as sources of justification of price and shows their contribution to EC/SC in the analysis of market construction.

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