Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer (S-WPIA) by RPWI for JUICE: Science objectives and implementation. Planetary Radio Emissions|PLANETARY RADIO EMISSIONS VIII 8|

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17 août 2018

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J.-E. WAHLUND et al., « Software-type Wave-Particle Interaction Analyzer (S-WPIA) by RPWI for JUICE: Science objectives and implementation. Planetary Radio Emissions|PLANETARY RADIO EMISSIONS VIII 8| », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10.1553/PRE8s495


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We present science objectives of the Software–type Wave–Particle Interaction Analyzer (S–WPIA), which will be realized as a software function of the Low- Frequency receiver (LF) running on the DPU of RPWI (Radio and Plasma Waves Investigation) for the ESA JUICE mission. S–WPIA conducts onboard computations of physical quantities indicating the energy exchange between plasma waves and energetic ions. Onboard inter–instruments communications are necessary to realize S–WPIA, which will be implemented by efforts of RPWI, PEP (Particle Environment Package) and J–MAG (JUICE Magnetometer). By providing the direct evidence of ion energization processes by plasma waves around Jovian satellites, S–WPIA increases the scientific output of JUICE while keeping its impact on the telemetry data size to a minimum; S–WPIA outputs 0.2 kB at the smallest from 440 kB waveform and particle raw data.

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