Interaction of spatial and theoretical aspects in spatial geometry problem solving through construction: The case of 3D sketching

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10 juillet 2023

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Drawings Sketching

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Alik Palatnik, « Interaction of spatial and theoretical aspects in spatial geometry problem solving through construction: The case of 3D sketching », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.wbhmdz


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The current study focuses on the action of 3D sketching in spatial geometry problem solving as a means to educate students’ mathematical perception. The case study is presented by two vignettes showing different utilization of 3D sketching in an activity where secondary school students answer spatial geometry questions while interacting with given 2D diagrams and 3D models created by them. The study continues previous work on an enactive approach to geometry education. The analytical framework for analyzing the cognitive apprehension of geometric drawings is adapted to the characterization of an enactive approach to learning. 3D sketching as a form of embodied and enactive math activity involving the construction of tangible models evokes coordination between various types of apprehension and thus facilitates learning and teaching spatial geometry.

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