Consecration and Conversion between Rite and Symbol: an English Summary of an article by Gabriella Zarri

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21 novembre 2022

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Isabelle Cochelin, « Consecration and Conversion between Rite and Symbol: an English Summary of an article by Gabriella Zarri », The Other Sisters, ID : 10670/1.whbsgf


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Gabriella Bruni Zarri, “Consacrazione e conversione tra rito e simbolo,” in Vestizioni: Codici normativi e pratiche religiosae, ed. Sofia Boesch Gajano and Francesca Sbardella (Rome: Viella Libreria editrice, 2021), p. 13-36. Summarized in English by Mary Maschio When a young woman entered a convent in Early Modern Italy, her vocation was symbolised by the acceptance of monastic dress, including the veil, but also by the rejection of secular clothes. Zarri’s bipartite study focuses first on d...

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