Between Being and Becoming: Appearances and Subjectivities of Organizing

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François-Xavier de Vaujany et al., « Between Being and Becoming: Appearances and Subjectivities of Organizing », HAL-SHS : droit et gestion, ID : 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780192865755.013.37


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As a conclusion for this edited book, this chapter comes back to three issues: appearances in and beyond organizing, subjectivity and subjectivation, and the future of phenomenologies in Management and Organization Studies (MOS). Potentials for expanding and decentering MOS concepts with and through phenomenological perspectives are discussed in regard to process philosophy, pragmatism, and critical theory. We argue that managerial and organizational phenomenologies and post-phenomenologies could go beyond a unilateral relationship with philosophy as a field. They could become the new ontological or metaphysical ground of organizing. The chapter is an opportunity both to summarize what are seen as key lessons of the experience of this book and to direct our gaze towards such potential avenues for discussion.

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