Design research issues in the training of future professional designers working on sustainable cities

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Jocelyne Le Bœuf et al., « Design research issues in the training of future professional designers working on sustainable cities », Sciences du Design, ID : 10670/1.ws7tla


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In recent years, associating research and training in French design schools has become a challenge, forcing them to rethink the very essence of their teaching (Findeli 2000). For these schools with a strong culture in the applied arts, this challenge exists at various levels: firstly, in the acquisition of research knowledge by teaching staff; and secondly, in the links between theory and practice (Findeli 2001). While the relationship between theory and practice has always been at the heart of project-based teaching, the reflective approach inherent to research opens up new horizons for epistemic foundations in vocational training. The work carried out over the last few years on these issues in the Sustainable Cities Design Lab at l’École de design Nantes Atlantique is in line with this approach. Our analysis is based on various educational formats where iterative approaches are coordinated between knowledge building on sustainability and project practices, and research acculturation by teaching staff. We also analyze interactions with the network of partners involved in projects. These partners participate in developing the skills of future designers in understanding political and governance issues, as well as public- and private-sector issues in relation to sustainable cities and development. The implementation of a culture of design research in the Design Lab has enabled us to establish solid foundations and to direct the topics so as to develop our students’ skills in the complex context of sustainable cities (Bourg and Papaux 2015).

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