Intergenerational income mobility in France: A comparative and geographic analysis

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12 avril 2024

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Gustave Kenedi et al., « Intergenerational income mobility in France: A comparative and geographic analysis », Archined : l'archive ouverte de l'INED, ID : 10670/1.wzhot4


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The question of the extent to which individuals' incomes are related to those of their parents has seen renewed interest as rising income inequality raises concerns about equality of opportunity. This column provides new estimates of intergenerational income mobility for almost 65,000 children born on mainland France between 1972 and 1981. There are strong differences in economic trajectories between children from families at the bottom and at the top of the income distribution. This intergenerational persistence is slightly lower than in the US, close to that observed in Italy, and higher than in many OECD countries, such as Scandinavian countries and Australia.

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