Lewende Godsprake vir ons: Die implikasie van λόγια ζῶντα in Handelinge 7:38

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1 janvier 2010

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Benno A. Zuiddam, « Lewende Godsprake vir ons: Die implikasie van λόγια ζῶντα in Handelinge 7:38 », Verbum et Ecclesia, ID : 10670/1.x45ju6


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In what turned out to be his final sermon on earth, Stephen the Deacon used the expression λόγια ζῶντα to describe the authoritative oracles from God as the people of Israel received them from God and his angels through Moses. From a philological understanding of this passage, the use of λόγια instead of λόγοι has important implications for Bible translation and theological understanding of the verse. Acts 7:38 indicates early Christianity's understanding of the nature of the Law, and claims a divine origin for the same. It was not sanctioned by God, but it literally came from God. Luke and Stephen esteem the λόγια ζῶντα as divine oracles, with relevance far beyond Moses. These were the living oracles, not in the least because of their lasting empowerment by the Author. In the mind of the author of Acts of the Apostles, the λόγια ζῶντα received their power and lasting relevance from God rather than from the Israelites as a religious community.

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