Primary school students’ use of unnecessary brackets while evaluating arithmetic expressions

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10 juillet 2023

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Ioannis Papadopoulos, « Primary school students’ use of unnecessary brackets while evaluating arithmetic expressions », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.x7vbyw


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In this paper the use of unnecessary brackets by primary school students while evaluating arithmetical expressions is examined. It seems that sometimes even though the mathematical expressions can be evaluated in a straightforward manner based on the rules for the order of operations, the students prefer to add unnecessary brackets to facilitate their evaluation exhibiting thus in an implicit way their structure sense. This idiosyncratic use of brackets is discussed, and the different uses of unnecessary brackets are organized in categories according to whether they are used to group certain terms of the expressions, to show the application of the rules for the order of operations, and to visualize the total number of steps in the evaluation process. At the same time, their use gives evidence of the way the students erroneously conceive the notion of the order of operations.

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