2008,17: How to generalize Darwinism suitably to help understand both the evolution and the development of economies

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3 juin 2010


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Pavel Pelikan, « 2008,17: How to generalize Darwinism suitably to help understand both the evolution and the development of economies », Digitale Bibliothek Thüringen, ID : 10670/1.x996ay


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This paper agrees that a suitably generalized Darwinism may help understand socioeconomic change, but finds the most publicized generalization by Hodgson and Knudsen unsuitable. To do better, it generalizes the extension of Neo-Darwinism into evolutionary developmental biology ("evo-devo"), which pays more attention to genomes-as-instructors than to genes-as-replicators, and to the entire process of instructed development than to fully developed organisms. The new generalization has clear connections to economics with a minimum guarantee of helpfulness: it generalizes both evo-devo and previously elaborated approaches that already helped understand specific issues of comparative economics, economic reforms, and transformation policies. -- evolution of instructions ; instructed development of interactors ; multilevel evolution and development ; evolution of institutional rules ; development of economies

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