Involving community to built tomorrow's daily life landscapes in rural areas in transition: The Champlitte case

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3 septembre 2018

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d'Emilio Luna et al., « Involving community to built tomorrow's daily life landscapes in rural areas in transition: The Champlitte case », HAL-SHS : géographie, ID : 10670/1.xu4fvd


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In France, municipalities subject to a territorial decline often be hampered by lack of skills and resource persons to revitalize their village. Intermediate organisations exist to accompany these municipalities in their project of requalification of housing and landscape, as for example the Regional Natural Parks. But if the municipality is not member of these organisations, it cannot benefit of any help or subsidy. This framework leads the project manager (landscape architect, urban planner) working for these abandoned municipalities, to profoundly review the meaning of his/her mission, as well as his/her tools.Within the framework to update the urban development plan (Schéma d’aménagement urbain de caractère) of the village of Champlitte (Haute-Saône, France), we present how our team, as project manager, proposed a holistic approach facilitating inhabitants’ contribution to rebuild their private and public spaces as landscape of their daily life in the long term. This action, currently undergoing, is associated with a research programme financed by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, entitled "New ruralities and territorial transitions: new design for countryside”.The role of the designer (architect, urban planner, landscape architect) is historically perceived as a technical role. Participation, or even inhabitant expertise, requires working with other disciplinary and professional profiles. Inhabitants involvement is characterized by a listening of their expectations and needs, a sharing of their various visions of the landscape from yesterday, today and for tomorrow, as well as their capacity to drive the emerging of a local know-how, in order to built the landscape elements of everyday life (garden, urban furniture, lighting, colors, economic activities, etc.). From the perspective of perpetuating hybrid professional forms and seeking to create new economic models of land use and planning in areas under decline, it is important to question the scales and temporalities allowing this hybridization between technical expertise and inhabiting expertise.Based on some participatory experiences carried out with the inhabitants of Champlitte, our communication presents first results concerning various processes of transitions of lived and perceived landscape representations which promote this hybridization. These experiments took place on several key-moments, and allowed the presence of the body (or bodies of inhabitants) in space (walks, actions of ephemeral transformation of public space in order to reactivate it, sound-postcards set into music), mobilization of words (film-debates, presentation of accompaniment devices from experts in architecture, environment and urban planning, and other intermediate organisations) and activation of imagination (games aimed at defining a collective scenario for Champlitte by 2030). These participatory and playful tools contribute in part to these new forms of territorial engineering based on the mobilisation of a set of actors over a short period of time. In this case study, elected representatives and certain decision-makers were able to validate a whole programme of actions involving public spaces and everyday landscapes. The actif role of inhabitants’ allows to finance projects other than the official urban development program, to identify new stakeholders (as much on estate as on the economy, or associative projects), but also to reveal potential of the places and the society that lives these rural areas in transition.

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