25 janvier 2022
https://www.openedition.org/12554 , info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
Mathieu Duplay, « Politique de la sensation : Emerson, Rousseau et l’expérience inéprouvée », Éditions Rue d’Ulm, ID : 10670/1.xy6w27
I see plainly [...] that I cannot see. I know that human strength is not in extremes, but in avoiding extremes. I, at least, will shun the weakness of philosophizing beyond my depth. What is the use of pretending to powers we have not ? What is the use of pretending to assurances we have not, respecting the other life ? Why exaggerate the power of virtue ? Why be an angel before your time ? Compte tenu de la manière dont Emerson caractérise la position sceptique dans son essai sur Montaigne, ...