Teachers’ perspectives on programming through emerging technologies in mathematics education

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10 juillet 2023

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Trygve K. Løken et al., « Teachers’ perspectives on programming through emerging technologies in mathematics education », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.xzclsn


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This article explores the perspectives of pre- and in-service teachers on the integration of programming in mathematics at the Norwegian primary and lower secondary schools. The study focuses on teachers’ perceived programming level and how it affects their ability to teach programming effectively. We discuss two different educational frameworks that emphasize on the teachers´ training workshops through block-based programming techniques (like Edublocks and Miro:bits). The data were collected from 64 pre- and in-service teachers who participated in workshops. The findings indicate that many teachers have little to no prior programming experience, which impacts their confidence in teaching the subject. These workshops on professional development were found to be helpful in increasing their confidence and perceived skill level.

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