Of Rats and People: A Select Comparative Analysis of Cue Competition, the Contents of Learning, and Retrieval

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International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy

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Juan M Rosas et al., « Of Rats and People: A Select Comparative Analysis of Cue Competition, the Contents of Learning, and Retrieval », International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy, ID : 10670/1.y48703


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"Select literature regarding cue competition, the contents of learning, and retrieval processes is summarized to demonstrate parallels and differences between human and nonhuman associative learning. Competition phenomena such as blocking, overshadowing, and relative predictive validity are largely analogous in animal and human learning. In general, strong parallels are found in the associative structures established during learning, as well as in the basic phenomena associated with information retrieval. Some differences arise too, such as retrospective evaluation, which seems easier to observe in human than in nonhuman animals. However, the parallels are sufÀcient to indicate that the study of learning in animals continues to be relevant to human learning and memory. Key words : associative learning, cue competition, contents of learning, retrieval processes, comparative psychology, humans, animals."

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